We must begin recognizing that we are emotional before we are rational. Emotional intelligence is essential to make the most of development opportunities.
None of the emotion are dysfunctional, sadness, pain, anger, etc., but when it lasts longer than necessary then they block and make impossible continuity of learning and growth, that is, anger in aggression, sadness in depression, then the process is sabotaged and that is when we must clearly define our intention and make transformational decisions. Remember that we live in survival mode holding to our habits that obstruct us from seeing new life options either in a work project or in personal matter.
In one of the Inspiring Minds talks, I was listening to Holly Hines, executive producer for the Netflix series, Ginny & Georgia, among many others, she talked about how to keep the focus and fast work when you see a window of possibility to answer that need of immediacy. This is a key part for creative moments and more of the direction side and teamwork to build moment by moment the full and absolute experience of the “action”. We must recognize the deep experience of connecting and including ourselves with others because we are not separate and teaming up is a purpose of higher impact.
Roxana Rotundo asked Holly: “How to do with so many ‘No’s’ that you receive in this industry?” And I remembered all the “non’s” that I have received during my life professionally and personally, and it is very difficult not to get hooked on the emotional as a result of that denial. I fell many times, I made not very healthy decisions, let my guard down in some projects and certainty those No have also helped me close cycles and move forward in other projects that have given me life from another approach. Holly Hines said it, “When they say ‘No’, don’t take it personally.” So, let’s not let emotion led us to emotional impulses, but lead us to impulses of true recognition to reform, modify, create, generate, evolve, and move forward, it would be what we call a “rebirth”.
To close cycles is to abandon realities that we have built through our expectations and be careful, it is not that we do not have illusions or dreams, it is to reorganize and continue. Here I would apply something that has been fundamental in my process:
- Grow in gratitude
- Grow in love
- Grow in a sense of responsibility
Each of these points have helped me to direct my life in times of challenges and today I can share that emerging state towards joy, at work, in relationships, in friendship among many others.
Today I want to share five tools that psychology teaches us to get to know more about our emotional state:
- Self-control in the ability to reflect and control our impulses.
- The knowledge of oneself in the ability to be increasingly aware of our emotions that condition our behavior.
- Self-motivation in the ability to overcome ourselves positively.
- Empathy by connecting improving the relationship with others.
- Work on social skills, such as communication, respect, compassion, openness… and many other skills that will undoubtedly make a difference in our lives.
The more we discover ourselves, the better we perceive our reality. That is why I invite you to be PRO… term that is used for people who are distinguished by their good qualities,
PRO stands for BEING
Work on you to find that well-being with personal growth, emotional intelligence and closing cycles to evolve and transcend towards that goal we want with all our passion and leave a mark of what we really are, incredible human’s beings.
Diana Figueroa
Visionnaire Communications