Worldwide Audiovisual Women’s Association invites all women involved in different areas of the audiovisual industry to participate in a virtual meeting, “Open Mic”, on May 14 at 11:00 am EST, under the theme #Proactiveinthefaceofadversity. Carmen Larios, Senior Vice-president of Content at A&E Networks Latinoamérica will be with us. She recently came to an agreement with WAWA to support the role of women in front and behind the screen, promoting gender equality and giving them opportunities through the campaign “Let’s play equally on the screen”.
With the purpose of listening to the proposals of every participant, we will give everyone the opportunity to expose their ideas on how to generate business, promote creativity and continue working as a team in an effective manner in today’s context. Executive women in WAWA’s Board gave us their opinion about the meeting. Roxana Rotundo, member of the Board told us: “we know the world changed us suddenly and we’ve had to reinvent the way to relate and do business. The purpose of this meeting is to give us ideas to keep going. We’ve already had small meetings with some Board Directors and mentoring leaders and we’re already implementing some wonderful initiatives that came up. This will be a very useful event for everyone. I’ve always said: ‘united we stand’, and now more than ever.” Liliam Hernández, founder of the organization said: “…we’re all stronger through a great technology that allows us to face all the challenges we set ourselves, like this great virtual meeting.” Cecilia Gómez de la Torre, co-founder added: “We’ve not only increased the amount of members at WAWA , but also the degree of participation in the work committees by areas, which confirms the need of female colleagues in the audiovisual industry to continue developing a common place to advance and share our purpose.”
To end, Vanessa Velázquez added: “despite living a difficult time, being in contact with women in the industry has generated positive energy to create new ideas.”