Rosalind Rotundo

I would like WAWA to be a strategic alliance among the women of the industry, to expand our connections and the possibility of increasing business. Leave aside the competition, and unite, for the personal and professional growth of each one, since we can create a great female movement that will create lots to talk about.…

Raquel Yepes

It is important because women in the industry are a power. Because we HAVE to have an organization that supports us more. Being part of this organization makes me feel proud of my professional career and happy to be part of this wonderful group.  


Undoubtedly, this space created by women for women has become a fundamental tool to create collaboration and business ties among women who are part of the exciting industry of television and film. In this sense, this great women’s association will allow us to strengthen and show what various studies around the world confirm, which is,…

Kamela Gil de Mares

Greetings to all! I think it is important to belong to this organization of women because we can be closer to the women of the Audiovisual industry and collaborate in our own businesses, learn about what happens in this industry, the changes that happen every day with our own colleagues.. – 

Susan Bender

I am very proud to be included in such a wonderful group of Professional Women! As a woman who has spent her entire career in the region dominated by Latin American men, as many of my WAWA colleagues, I think it is important that all of us present a united front and serve as an…